New Features
We recently updated the “Systems” section of the Step 1 QBank to optimize your study experience of “General Principles.” It’s now easier to access specific “General Principles” questions, with their new categorization into focused blocks:
- Biochemistry
- Genetics
- Microbiology
- Pathology
- Pharmacology
This feature update to “General Principles” will occur in all key areas of the QBank, including:
- Create Test
- Previous Tests (Test Results/Analysis)
- Performance
How this feature can help you in your studies:
Intuitive Access- This update recategorizes the “General Principles” questions so that it’s easier for you to access specific questions related to Biochemistry, Genetics, Microbiology, Pathology, and Pharmacology.
Improved Analysis– Tracking of your performance in “General Principles” is now more specific, allowing you to more effectively analyze your areas of strength and weakness.
Please note: This change will not affect the total number of questions available in the Step 1 QBank.
We hope you enjoy this Step 1 QBank enhancement!
To start using this new feature, login to your QBank now!