The Trusted Leader for
USMLE® Step 1 Preparation
- 3,600+ questions at or above exam-level difficulty
- Based on real-life clinical scenarios
- Paired with in-depth, visual answer explanations
- Tested in an exam-like software interface
- Organized to track your performance by subject and system
Study smarter and save time with our readymade flashcard decks, expertly crafted to cover the highest-yield content tested on Step 1 for just $39!
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Proven Step 1 Prep for Exam & Career Success
Why do over 90% of U.S. medical students begin their licensure journey with our Step 1 QBank? The answer’s simple: We give them the best chance for exam and career success. When you choose UWorld, you’ll receive the high-yield information necessary to truly think like a physician. That’s because all of our material is written by clinical experts to closely resemble the actual exam and help you attain concept mastery.
Now that Step 1 is a pass/fail exam, it’s crucial that you build a strong preclinical foundation for all three USMLE exams. Our resources will prepare you for Step 1, and give you the background knowledge and skills needed to excel on Steps 2 and 3.
Maximize Your Step 1 Question Bank Experience
Our Step 1 QBank was designed with you in mind. You get full control over
what you study and how you study it based on your specific needs.
Create custom tests and quizzes from our thousands of Step 1 practice questions to get comfortable with what you’ll experience on exam day. Our licensed authors continuously update the material to ensure alignment with the latest USMLE Step 1 content outline.
When you complete a question, you’ll receive access to a thorough rationale that explains the concept behind the problem and why answer options are right or wrong. To help you visualize complex topics, we include vivid illustrations, labeled diagrams, tables, and charts.
UWorld Step 1 Student Success Stories
Beyond Our Step 1 QBank
When you choose UWorld, you’ll benefit from dedicated resources both within our Step 1 QBank and sold separately that fill in knowledge gaps and allow for further preparation. This includes Step 1 practice tests, premade flashcards, and a complete biostatistics review.
Step 1 Practice Exams - Realistic Testing Interface
UWorld Step 1 self-assessments closely replicate the real exam to help you prepare for test day. Each self-assessment consists of four 60-minute blocks containing 40 unique multiple-choice questions (not from our QBank). Once completed, you can review:
- Detailed and visually engaging explanations for each question
- Your relative ranking compared to other students who have taken the same assessment
- An approximate 3-digit USMLE score based on historical UWorld data
New! UWorld Self-Assessment #3 Just Released.
ReadyDecks & SmartCards
Build a solid Step 1 foundation by reviewing 2,000+ premade flashcards from our brand new ReadyDecks alongside our QBank. This material covers all of the high-yield facts and concepts you need to know for your exam.
Pair this foundational knowledge with custom SmartCards tailored to your learning needs. Simply highlight and transfer our award-winning text and graphics into your flashcards for an integrated study experience.
Our ReadyDecks and SmartCards both feature spaced-repetition technology to help you retain key information and elevate your performance.
Biostatistics Review
Biostatistics and epidemiology are crucial to reviewing research and the medical literature. These subjects are tested on the USMLE, as well as on in-service and board certification exams. Our review will help you:
- Strengthen your fundamental knowledge and learn key concepts in an interactive format
- Apply content in exam scenarios through basic and advanced vignettes
- Learn step-by-step calculations
- Integrate ideas from several questions to increase your understanding
Study from Anywhere
To provide you with greater flexibility, all of our Step 1 resources are accessible from the UWorld Medical app. Simply download the app and log into your account to get started. To ensure a seamless study experience, your progress is automatically saved and synced across devices.
Step 1 Institutional Pricing
We partner with academic institutions to deliver quality content, classroom tools, and bulk pricing options. We’ll work with you to enhance your medical program and student learning outcomes.
USMLE Step 1 QBank Pricing
Questions about subscriptions/renewals? Click here.
Form 1
(2 Weeks)
- 4 blocks of 40 questions
to gauge your readiness
Form 2
(2 Weeks)
- 4 blocks of 40 questions
to gauge your readiness
Form 3
(2 Weeks)
- 4 blocks of 40 questions
to gauge your readiness
Forms 1-3
(2 Weeks each)
- Includes all three
Biostatistics Review
90-Day Access
- Fast and effective way
to learn biostatistics and epidemiology concepts
30-Day Access
- Full QBank Access
90-Day Access
- Full QBank Access
- 1 Self-Assessment*
180-Day Access
- Full QBank Access
- 2 Self-Assessments*
- One-time Reset Option
360-Day Access
- Full QBank Access
- 3 Self-Assessments*
- One-time Reset Option
730-Day Access
- Full QBank Access
- 3 Self-Assessments*
- ReadyDecks: 2k+ Premade Flashcards
- One-time Reset Option
30-Day Access
- Full QBank Access
- ReadyDecks: 2k+ Premade Flashcards
90-Day Access
- Full QBank Access
- 1 Self-Assessment*
- ReadyDecks: 2k+ Premade Flashcards
180-Day Access
- Full QBank Access
- 2 Self-Assessments*
- ReadyDecks: 2k+ Premade Flashcards
- One-time Reset Option
360-Day Access
- Full QBank Access
- 3 Self-Assessments*
- ReadyDecks: 2k+ Premade Flashcards
- One-time Reset Option
730-Day Access
- Full QBank Access
- 3 Self-Assessments*
- ReadyDecks: 2k+ Premade Flashcards
- One-time Reset Option
*Each self-assessment has a duration of two weeks from its date of activation.
7-Day Renewal
- 7-Day Access Extension
15-Day Renewal
- 15-Day Access Extension
30-Day Renewal
- 30-Day Access Extension
60-Day Renewal
- 60-Day Access Extension
90-Day Renewal
- 90-Day Access Extension
180-Day Renewal
- 180-Day Access Extension
360-Day Renewal
- 360-Day Access Extension
Form 1 Assessment
2-Week Renewal
- 2-Week Access Extension
Form 2 Assessment
2-Week Renewal
- 2-Week Access Extension
Form 3 Assessment
2-Week Renewal
- 2-Week Access Extension
Biostatistics Review
90-Day Renewal
- 90-Day Access Extension