We’re pleased to introduce ReadyDecks, flashcards crafted by clinical experts to help you master essential material for Step 1 and Step 2 CK of the USMLE®.
Designed to help you study smarter, ReadyDecks cover all of the key facts and concepts you need to know for your exam. These high-yield flashcards were created by the same team that developed our renowned QBanks and feature new clinical images, tables, x-rays, and ECGs for an enhanced learning experience.
- 🗸 2,000+ ready-made flashcards for each Step
- 🗸 Conveniently organized by subject and system
- 🗸 Accessible via the UWorld Medical app
Step 1 Flashcards for a Strong Preclinical Foundation
Clinically Relevant
Step 2 CK
Getting Started: Browse vs Study Mode
Just like our customizable USMLE flashcards, known as SmartCards, ReadyDecks are accessible via “Browse” and “Study” mode.
Browse Mode
Within “Browse” mode, you’ll find each flashcard listed under its associated deck. At the top of the screen, you can search for flashcards based on specific keywords, or sort them by subject. This is useful when you need to find specific information or quickly review a topic.
When you open a flashcard, you’ll be able to view the front and back of the card, as well as its associated keywords, in a few simple clicks.
Study Mode
Within “Study” mode, you’ll see the same decks as in Browse mode, but with metrics for each that outline your study progress. The benefit of using Study mode to review your ReadyDecks is the integration of spaced-repetition technology. With this feature, you’ll be prompted to review flashcards you struggle with more frequently to help you learn and retain difficult information over the long term.
In your settings, you can modify your study experience in a few ways. You can choose the maximum number of flashcards to review each day, the order in which they appear, and how many days into the future you want flashcards to reappear after you’ve marked them as “Good” twice (graduating interval) or “Easy.”
Additional Benefits of Premade Medical Flashcards
While we still encourage you to create custom SmartCards as you complete your QBank, ReadyDecks serve as a useful tool to diversify your review. For example, ReadyDecks allow you to:
- Find and review specific information quickly
- Learn or strengthen your understanding of important exam concepts
- Study strategically while away from your desk
See Our New ReadyDecks In Action
*ReadyDecks are automatically available in our 730-day subscription packages and can be purchased as add-ons with all other subscription durations.
Try ReadyDecks for yourself by logging in to your account or visiting medical.uworld.com/flashcards to learn more.