Studying From Home: How to Increase Your Productivity

If the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting how you work or study from home, read this quick article to learn how to increase your productivity amid distractions.

Written by Kinza Hussain

If the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting how you work or study from home, read this quick article to learn how to increase your productivity when there are several distractions at home. As a medical student, these are the ways I stay productive. If you would like to watch a video showing how I practice these tips, click here.

1) Write out a list of your goals and tape it in your room where you will see it every day. I am terrible at waking up early, but I wrote it down as a goal and now have successfully achieved it. ⁠

2) Make your bed every morning. A tidy space declutters your mind.⁠

3) Eat your favorite breakfast, and drink coffee or tea⁠.

4) Shower in the morning.⁠

5) Clean your desk⁠.

6) Put your phone in a different room or at least throw it on your bed away from you because I assure you, you’re too lazy to get up and go get it. Also, make sure it’s on silent.

7) Make sure to also turn off iMessage on your laptop and turn on ‘do not disturb.’ ⁠

8) Reward yourself with a break after every task you complete. If your tasks are too long, give yourself a break every 25 minutes of FOCUSED work. Your break should not last longer than five minutes. ⁠

9) Set timers to be accountable for staying focused on your work. I tell my Google Home to set timers, or I tell my phone using Siri. This way, I know I can get up and do what I want once my timer rings⁠.

10) If you are working or studying while living with your family, tell them not to call your name or enter your space unannounced while you’re busy. For some people, this is really distracting, but for others, it’s not as bothersome. ⁠

If you follow these tips, you will have a more productive day as a student to achieve your goals while working or studying from home. Stay focused and keep safe during the quarantine.

About Kinza Hussain a.k.a. MedKinza

Kinza Hussain is a second-year medical student who uses her popular YouTube channel to share her medical school journey with the world. Each week, she shares a new insightful video to update her subscribers on how to study for the MCAT, how to apply to medical school and get accepted. You may subscribe to her channel and follow her on Instagram @medkinza.

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