Study Smarter with USMLE® Flashcards

Take control of the learning process and prepare your way with premade ReadyDecks and customizable SmartCards.

Get Started with our new USMLE flashcard enhancements
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Boost Your Retention for Each Step of the Exam

Whether you use our ReadyDecks™ or create your own SmartCards, our flashcards features are designed for ease of use and convenience, saving you time as you prepare for Steps 1, 2, and 3.

Quick Content

Pair personal notes with text and graphics from our USMLE QBanks in a few simple clicks.


Use our study feature to display flashcards at research-backed intervals that maximize your retention.

Flashcard Filtering

Quickly locate flashcards by subjects and keywords to personalize your review sessions.

New! Premade ReadyDecks*
Time-Saving, Expert-Developed Flashcards for Comprehensive Study

Save time during your review with instant access to thousands of USMLE Step 1 and Step 2 CK flashcards.

*ReadyDecks can be purchased as an add-on for the following subscriptions (all durations): USMLE Step 1, Step 2 CK, and COMLEX Levels 1 and 2.

Save time during your review with instant access to thousands of USMLE Step 1 and Step 2 CK flashcards.

*ReadyDecks can be purchased as an add-on for the following subscriptions (all durations): USMLE Step 1, Step 2 CK, and COMLEX Levels 1 and 2.

As you complete the UWorld QBank, you can create and organize SmartCards based on your specific needs. Simply highlight the text and graphics you want to use from our explanations, paste it into your flashcards, and personalize it to actively engage with the content.

Customizable SmartCards: Personalize, Focus, and Retain

As you complete the UWorld QBank, you can create and organize SmartCards based on your specific needs. Simply highlight the text and graphics you want to use from our explanations, paste it into your flashcards, and personalize it to actively engage with the content.

Learn Faster with Spaced Repetition

Research shows that spaced-repetition technology improves information retention and recall. Rate how well you understand the concept on a flashcard, and our algorithm will adapt how often you see it again.
Research shows that spaced-repetition technology improves information retention and recall. Rate how well you understand the concept on a flashcard, and our algorithm will adapt how often you see it again.
Our ReadyDecks™ acts as a foundational set of flashcards that you can build on. Pair them with custom SmartCards focused on your personal knowledge gaps, and you'll optimize your review, building a strong foundation of knowledge for your exam and career.

Comprehensive USMLE Coverage

Our ReadyDecks™ acts as a foundational set of flashcards that you can build on. Pair them with custom SmartCards focused on your personal knowledge gaps, and you'll optimize your review, building a strong foundation of knowledge for your exam and career.

Access Your Flashcards from Anywhere

Both SmartCards and ReadyDecks™ are accessible on the UWorld Medical app. Download it in the App Store or on Google Play, login to your account, and get started anywhere you have an internet connection.
App Store Google Play
Both SmartCards and ReadyDecks™ are accessible on the UWorld Medical app. Download it in the App Store or on Google Play, login to your account, and get started anywhere you have an internet connection.
App Store Google Play

USMLE Review to Help You Succeed

Join over 2 million medical students globally who trust UWorld to prepare for their licensing exams. We’ll help you build the knowledge you need for success on test day and in your career.

How to Get the Most Out of Your USMLE Flashcards

Using digital flashcards that pair spaced-repetition technology together with our industry-leading QBank is an excellent way to learn and reinforce important preclinical and clinical information. Here’s how to get the most out of your experience:

See What Students Think About Our Flashcards

UWorld USMLE Product Tour

Interested in learning about our other USMLE QBank features? Take the UWorld product tour!

Frequently Asked Questions

Our USMLE flashcards are available as premade ReadyDecks™ and customizable SmartCards. Both come with “Study” mode that features spaced-repetition technology for increased retention.
ReadyDecks come pre-written by the same team of physicians that developed your QBank and save you time by focusing on the most frequently tested content. SmartCards are a customizable way for you to create your own decks and personalize, focus and retain our QBank material in a way that makes sense for you and your study efforts.

Yes, ReadyDecks cover the most commonly tested content from the subjects on your USMLE exam. You can also create unlimited SmartCards as you progress through your comprehensive QBank.

No, accessing your flashcard decks requires an internet connection; however, they are available through the UWorld Medical app.
Yes, SmartCards (our customizable USMLE flashcards) are included in all USMLE QBank subscriptions. New premade ReadyDecks™* can be purchased as an add-on for the following subscriptions (all durations): USMLE Step 1, Step 2 CK, and COMLEX Levels 1 and 2.
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Renewal Instructions

  •   Please purchase a renewal using the "Renew" option from the My Account page
  •   To qualify for renewal pricing, course must be renewed before it expires
  •   All renewals are effective from the current expiration date and cannot be deferred
  •   Test information cannot be reset (deleted) with renewal unless eligibility criteria is met (see Help page)