Trusted USMLE® Question Banks & Educator Resources

For nearly 20 years, our team of experienced physicians and medical educators has delivered the highest-quality USMLE practice questions and learning tools possible. We guide students to success in the classroom, on their exams, and in their careers.
Why Choose UWorld Medical?

Since our company’s founding, we’ve pioneered a unique approach to medical education that merges digital innovation with teaching fundamentals. Our USMLE QBanks are proven to keep students engaged, promote concept mastery, and elevate learning outcomes.

Join the over
2 Million Students
who have passed with UWorld
Partner with
Clinical Experts
trusted by 800+ programs
Benefit from
Industry-Leading QBanks
that work
New UWorld Medical Library
New UWorld Medical Library

Students Prefer Our USMLE Prep

Our dedication to quality is why the vast majority of U.S. medical students since 2003 have trusted us to prepare them for the USMLE and beyond. Our resources are available in two primary capacities:

Comprehensive QBanks for Students

Our Step 1, Step 2 CK, and Step 3 QBanks are written and maintained by practicing doctors to be as accurate, relevant, and comprehensive as possible. We teach difficult clinical concepts through realistic scenarios, vivid imagery, and active learning to increase engagement and retention.

Comprehensive QBanks for Students

Our Step 1, Step 2 CK, and Step 3 QBanks are written and maintained by practicing doctors to be as accurate, relevant, and comprehensive as possible. We teach difficult clinical concepts through realistic scenarios, vivid imagery, and active learning to increase engagement and retention.

Our Medical Learning Platform (LP) for educators builds on our USMLE QBanks to enhance and improve medical programs. Instructors can make custom assignments from our high-yield material, bring unique content to the classroom, track student progress, and more effectively remediate student weaknesses.

Tailored Curriculum Support for Educators

Our Medical Learning Platform (LP) for educators builds on our USMLE QBanks to enhance and improve medical programs. Instructors can make custom assignments from our high-yield material, bring unique content to the classroom, track student progress, and more effectively remediate student weaknesses.

Tailored Curriculum Support for Educators

We’re with You Every Step of the Way

The UWorld suite of medical exam learning solutions will put you in a position to perform at your best throughout your clinical career. We’ll guide you through what to study and how  to study it to reach your full potential.

We’re with You Every Step of the Way

The UWorld suite of medical exam learning solutions will put you in a position to perform at your best throughout your clinical career. We’ll guide you through what to study and how  to study it to reach your full potential.

Explore Our Proven USMLE QBanks

Step 1 QBank

  •   practice questions
  • Real-life clinical scenarios to develop clinical judgment
  • Exam-like software interface
  • 3 self-assessments with unique questions

Step 2 CK QBank

  •   practice questions
  • Tailored to Step 2 CK and shelf exams
  • Exam-like testing interface
  • 3 self-assessments with unique questions

Step 3 QBank

  •   practice questions
  • Exam-like software interface
  • 2 self-assessments with unique questions
  • Computer-based Case Simulations (CCS Cases) review

UWorld USMLE Prep Success Stories

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Total QBank Questions: 1,816



Renewal Instructions

  •   Please purchase a renewal using the "Renew" option from the My Account page
  •   To qualify for renewal pricing, course must be renewed before it expires
  •   All renewals are effective from the current expiration date and cannot be deferred
  •   Test information cannot be reset (deleted) with renewal unless eligibility criteria is met (see Help page)