Try Our International Clinical QBank for Free

Instantly access 25 free clinical practice questions and explanations created for international medical students planning to practise outside the United States.

What’s Included in My Free Trial?

Get a free 7-day look at the kinds of questions, answer explanations, study tools, and progress reports you can expect with a full Clinical QBank subscription. See for yourself why 2+ million medical students have trusted our content.

7 Days of Free Access Try a variety of clinical practice questions that are representative of the 2,050+ available with a full subscription.
Clinical Illustrations & Charts We provide realistic, vivid visuals to help you understand difficult clinical concepts.
My Notebook Personalise our QBank content in a configurable digital notebook.
Performance Reports Track your progress by subjects, systems, and topics as you complete the QBank.
Detailed Answer Explanations Our team of practising doctors provides comprehensive descriptions for why each answer choice is correct or incorrect.
SmartCards Create unlimited digital flashcards based on our QBank content.
Universal Clinical Content Our international Clinical QBank is aligned with universal medications and requirements, not a specific country or exam.
Full Mobile Access Study from anywhere on your smartphone or tablet with the UWorld Medical app.

Learn to Think Like a Practising Doctor

Our team of doctors writes questions based on real-life clinical scenarios to help you connect theory to practice. You can build the foundation of knowledge needed for a successful career in medicine by pairing this expertise with comprehensive rationales, professional illustrations, and data-driven learning tools.

Learn to Think Like a Practising Doctor

Our team of doctors writes questions based on real-life clinical scenarios to help you connect theory to practice. You can build the foundation of knowledge needed for a successful career in medicine by pairing this expertise with comprehensive rationales, professional illustrations, and data-driven learning tools.

Maximise Your Study Sessions with Enhanced Clinical Materials

High-Yield Practice Questions for Students Around the World

Our goal with the international Clinical QBank is to provide a premier resource for medical students planning to practise outside the United States. Study from realistic scenarios to elevate your classroom learning and prepare for your career.

High-Yield Practice Questions for Students Around the World

Our goal with the international Clinical QBank is to provide a premier resource for medical students planning to practise outside the United States. Study from realistic scenarios to elevate your classroom learning and prepare for your career.

Intuitive Learning Tools That Promote Active Learning

As you answer practice questions, you’ll have access to detailed rationales and study tools that help you actively learn the material. See why answer choices are correct or incorrect, create custom flashcards, and use your digital notebook to further your understanding.

Intuitive Learning Tools That Promote Active Learning

As you answer practice questions, you’ll have access to detailed rationales and study tools that help you actively learn the material. See why answer choices are correct or incorrect, create custom flashcards, and use your digital notebook to further your understanding.

Personalised Performance Reports to Remediate Weaknesses

By completing practice questions, you’ll receive detailed performance analytics that show your results by subjects, systems, and topics. This makes it easier to identify knowledge gaps, modify your study plan, and master the clinical content you struggle with.

Personalised Performance Reports to Remediate Weaknesses

By completing practice questions, you’ll receive detailed performance analytics that show your results by subjects, systems, and topics. This makes it easier to identify knowledge gaps, modify your study plan, and master the clinical content you struggle with.

UWorld Clinical QBank Product Tour

Discover the full suite of study tools and resources you’ll receive when you sign up for a Clinical QBank subscription- specifically tailored for International medical students.

Want Full International Clinical QBank Access?

Unlock 2,050+ clinical practice questions covering the material doctors around the world need to know to safely and effectively practise medicine.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our international Clinical QBank free trial lasts for 7 days. You can upgrade to full access at any time.
The international Clinical QBank does not focus on a specific medical exam or country like our other QBanks. Instead, it focuses on universal clinical content, medications, and health systems requirements that students planning to practise outside the United States need to know. With the Clinical QBank, students from anywhere in the world can develop their overall clinical understanding.
By starting our 7-day free trial, you will gain access to 25 free clinical practice questions and their associated answer explanations. You can also test out our active learning tools that help students remember more clinical information in less time. No credit card is required to get started.
Our free trial gives you limited access to our practice questions and a full preview of our study tools. This includes our highly regarded answer explanations, custom flashcard interface, digital notebook, and personalised performance reports.
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Renewal Instructions

  •   Please purchase a renewal using the "Renew" option from the My Account page
  •   To qualify for renewal pricing, course must be renewed before it expires
  •   All renewals are effective from the current expiration date and cannot be deferred
  •   Test information cannot be reset (deleted) with renewal unless eligibility criteria is met (see Help page)