Leading COMLEX® Question Banks & Educator Resources

In 2021, we paired our renowned USMLE® material with dedicated COMLEX practice questions. The result? A one-stop resource for osteopathic medical students to achieve exam and career success.
Why Choose UWorld Medical?

Since our company’s founding, we’ve pioneered a unique approach to medical education that merges digital innovation with teaching fundamentals. Our COMLEX QBanks are proven to keep students engaged, promote concept mastery, and elevate learning outcomes.

Join the over
2 Million Students
who have passed with UWorld
Partner with
Clinical Experts
trusted by 800+ programs
Benefit from
Industry-Leading QBanks
that work
New UWorld Medical Library
New UWorld Medical Library

Students Prefer Our COMLEX Prep

Over the past two decades, nearly all U.S. medical students have trusted our USMLE prep. We now bring the same proven approach to osteopathic medicine in the following capacities:

Comprehensive QBanks for Students
Comprehensive QBanks for Students

Our Level 1 and Level 2 QBanks combine our USMLE material with COMLEX questions (OMT questions) written by practicing DOs. Each practice question features a detailed rationale with corresponding visuals to more thoroughly explain the concept being examined. Active-learning tools, peer-to-peer comparisons, performance tracking, self-assessments, and more are also included.

Our Level 1 and Level 2 QBanks combine our USMLE material with COMLEX questions (OMT questions) written by practicing DOs. Each practice question features a detailed rationale with corresponding visuals to more thoroughly explain the concept being examined. Active-learning tools, peer-to-peer comparisons, performance tracking, self-assessments, and more are also included.

Through our Medical Learning Platform (LP), educators can get access to thousands of high-yield USMLE questions and 140+ specially curated OMT practice questions to prepare their students for the COMLEX and USMLE. Create custom assignments, track student progress, bring unique content to the classroom, and more effectively remediate student weaknesses.

Tailored Curriculum Support for Educators

Through our Medical Learning Platform (LP), educators can get access to thousands of high-yield USMLE questions and 140+ specially curated OMT practice questions to prepare their students for the COMLEX and USMLE. Create custom assignments, track student progress, bring unique content to the classroom, and more effectively remediate student weaknesses.

Tailored Curriculum Support for Educators

Take your COMLEX Review to the Next Level

Take your COMLEX Review to the Next Level

Whether you plan to take the USMLE and COMLEX or just the latter, we’ll be with you every step of the way to enhance your clinical judgment skills and knowledge. Our COMLEX prep is more than a question bank, it’s a carefully designed resource to take your career to new heights.

Whether you plan to take the USMLE and COMLEX or just the latter, we’ll be with you every step of the way to enhance your clinical judgment skills and knowledge. Our COMLEX prep is more than a question bank, it’s a carefully designed resource to take your career to new heights.

Get Ready for Dual Exam Success

Step 1/Level 1 QBank
  • 3,600+ Step 1 practice questions
  • 140+ OMT practice questions
  • Exam-like software interface
  • USMLE self-assessment(s) with unique questions
Step 2/Level 2 QBank
  • 4,250+ Step 2 CK and Shelf Exam practice questions
  • 140+ OMT practice questions
  • Exam-like software interface
  • USMLE self-assessment(s) with unique questions

UWorld COMLEX Prep Success Stories

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Renewal Instructions

  •   Please purchase a renewal using the "Renew" option from the My Account page
  •   To qualify for renewal pricing, course must be renewed before it expires
  •   All renewals are effective from the current expiration date and cannot be deferred
  •   Test information cannot be reset (deleted) with renewal unless eligibility criteria is met (see Help page)