Proven Board Exam Question Banks & Educator Resources

For over 10 years, we’ve helped candidates pass their medical board certification exams in internal and family medicine with the industry’s highest-quality prep resources.
Why Choose UWorld Medical?

Since our company’s founding, we’ve pioneered a unique approach to medical education that merges digital innovation with teaching fundamentals. Our ABIM and ABFM QBanks are proven to keep candidates engaged, promote concept mastery, and elevate learning outcomes.

Join the over
2 Million Students
who have passed with UWorld
Partner with
Clinical Experts
trusted by 800+ programs
Benefit from
Industry-Leading QBanks
that work
New UWorld Medical Library
New UWorld Medical Library

Residents Prefer Our Board Exam Prep

We understand the time constraints residents and practicing doctors face when preparing for their board exams. That’s why we’ve refined our materials over the past decade to be as flexible as possible while maximizing retention. They can be accessed in two primary formats:

Board-Style Questions for Candidates

Our ABFM® and ABIM® QBanks are written by board-certified doctors to guarantee content alignment and quality. Each practice question presents a realistic clinical scenario, and is paired with a detailed rationale that walks through the logical progression of ideas a subject-matter expert would consider. Learn why answer choices are right or wrong, enhance your retention with active-learning tools, and track your performance with robust analytics.

Board-Style Questions for Candidates

Our ABFM® and ABIM® QBanks are written by board-certified doctors to guarantee content alignment and quality. Each practice question presents a realistic clinical scenario, and is paired with a detailed rationale that walks through the logical progression of ideas a subject-matter expert would consider. Learn why answer choices are right or wrong, enhance your retention with active-learning tools, and track your performance with robust analytics.

Our Medical Learning Platform (LP) gives educators complete access to our ABIM and ABFM QBanks, in addition to intuitive dashboards, tools, and reports to elevate their programs. We make it easy for instructors to create custom assignments, present high-yield curriculum supplementation in class, and monitor resident or cohort performance at every stage of the learning process.

Tailored Curriculum Support for Educators

Our Medical Learning Platform (LP) gives educators complete access to our ABIM and ABFM QBanks, in addition to intuitive dashboards, tools, and reports to elevate their programs. We make it easy for instructors to create custom assignments, present high-yield curriculum supplementation in class, and monitor resident or cohort performance at every stage of the learning process.

Tailored Curriculum Support for Educators

Achieve Your Medical Board Certification

We ensure you have everything you need to pass your board certification exam, whether you’re pursuing your initial board certification or recertification.

Achieve Your Medical Board Certification

We ensure you have everything you need to pass your board certification exam, whether you’re pursuing your initial board certification or recertification.

Designed for Performance - Our Medical Board Exam Question Banks


  •   ABIM practice questions
  • Complete ABIM blueprint coverage
  • Exam-like software interface
  • Detailed answer explanations
  • Active-learning tools & performance reports


  •   ABFM practice questions
  • Complete ABFM blueprint coverage
  • Exam-like software interface
  • Detailed answer explanations
  • Active-learning tools & performance reports

UWorld Board Exam Prep Success Stories

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Renewal Instructions

  •   Please purchase a renewal using the "Renew" option from the My Account page
  •   To qualify for renewal pricing, course must be renewed before it expires
  •   All renewals are effective from the current expiration date and cannot be deferred
  •   Test information cannot be reset (deleted) with renewal unless eligibility criteria is met (see Help page)